Let's review the advantages and perks of being a member...
1. Monthly club meetings that include:
- an educational program
- show and tell
- socializing with others that have similar interests
2. Newsletter published monthly (except July & August)
3. Show and Sale held annually in the spring
4. Club Library filled with many books to expand your knowledge
5. Annual Picnic held in June
6. Free Classified Ads on our web site to advertise wanted items and items for sale
With a membership in GVBCA, you will have the opportunity to expand your own knowledge, obtain items for your collection, have fun, and make new friends.
Membership has its priviledges!!!
To join GVBCA, please click below and print out the membership application form and mail to:
Jim Bartholomew, Membership Chairman
5330 Henty Road
Avon, NY 14414-9658